Welcome to Department of
Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics

Welcome to the Department of Orthodontics – where beautiful smiles are created. The Department is well known for its outstanding graduate program, and for training of clinicians, academicians, and leaders in the profession. It is also known for conducting significant and timely research on important orthodontic and other health-related topics.

The mission of the Department is to train both graduate dental students and post-graduate students to be proficient in the clinical specialty of orthodontics, at their respective levels. The graduate students of orthodontic experience includes various didactic and laboratory courses, as well as some opportunities to gain clinical experience. The post-graduate program consists of intensive didactic, clinical, and research components. 

The Department consists of a talented and experienced group of faculty who have dedicated their careers to the orthodontic profession. These faculty are supported by an excellent and caring administrative and clinical staff. 

Departmental Objectives:

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
 Identify and diagnose anomalies of the dentition, facial structures and abnormal functional
conditions of orthodontic patient
 Detect deviations of the development of the dentition, of facial growth, and occurrence of
functional abnormalities
 Identify pernicious oral habits that may lead to malocclusion.
 Conduct interceptive orthodontic measures
 Evaluate need for orthodontic treatment
 Design and plan simple universal type of orthodontic treatment procedures (Howly type
 Prepare & fabricate the same in a model and insert and adjust active removable appliances in
student oral cavity to move a single tooth or a group of teeth or jaw movement and
subsequently to the patients.
 Advice & aware patients to take specialist consultation when necessary.

Faculty Members

Prof. Dr. Sufia Nasrin Rita


Professor & Head of the department.
Department of Orthodontics,
Sapporo Dental College & Hospital 

Dr. Muhammad Mahdee Hasan


Assistant Professor 
Department of Orthodontics,
Sapporo Dental College & Hospital 

Dr. Muhammad Mahdee Hasan


Assistant Professor,
Department of Orthodontics,
Sapporo Dental College & Hospital  

Dr. Mahfuzul Gani


Assistant Professor 
Department of Orthodontics,
Sapporo Dental College & Hospital 

Dr. Partha Pratim Dhar


Senior Lecturer,
Department of Orthodontics,
Sapporo Dental College & Hospital 

Dr. Partha Pratim Dhar


Senior Lecturer
Department of Orthodontics,
Sapporo Dental College & Hospital  

Course Curriculum

For details Curriculum Download the following File.