Department of Physiology and Biochemistry


Physiology is a basic science dealing with normal life phenomena of the human being. The goal of physiology is to explain physical and chemical factors that are responsible for the origin, development and progression of human life. It provides thorough understanding of normal body function, enabling more effective treatment of abnormal or disease state. The knowledge of physiology is essential for understanding the basis of pathology, pharmacology and medicine and which makes them competent in clinical practice.

Departmental Objectives of Physiology:

 At the end of the course in physiology the BDS students will be able to:

  • demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding on the normal functions of all the organ systems of human body and apply it as a background for clinical subjects.
  • interpret normal function with a view to differentiate from abnormal function.
  • perform physiological experiments.
  • interpret experimental and investigation data
  • develop sound attitude for continuing self-education to improve efficiency & skill in physiology.

List of Competencies to acquire in Physiology:

In the process of completing these courses, students will acquire the following competencies:

  • Describe transport processes across the plasma membrane, resting membrane potential, action potentials.
  • Explain muscle contraction and relaxation.
  • Describe the function of heart and circulatory system
  • Describe respiratory processes with the knowledge of structures, ventilation, diffusion, blood flow, gas transport, mechanics of breathing, and control of ventilation.
  • Explain the mechanism of work of the brain at the neuronal systems level.
  • Describe the autonomic nervous system and special sense
  • Describe the function of endocrine physiology
  • Describe human reproduction, functional changes in the reproductive tract, the formation of sperm & ovum.
  • Demonstrate adequate knowledge and develop skill for performing physiology laboratory tests and interpreting these normal functions with a view to differentiate from abnormal conditions. such as:
  • Measurement of blood pressure
  • Examination of radial pulse.
  • Estimation of Hb concentration.
  • Determination of differential count of white blood cell (WBC).
  • Determination of bleeding time & clotting time.
  • Determination of blood grouping & cross matching



The discipline of Biochemistry serves as a torch light to trace the intricate complexities of biology. It unravels the chemical mysteries of life. The subject demonstrates that all biological molecules are closely related at the molecular level. Biochemistry and medicine are related intimately. The knowledge of biochemistry helps in judicious use of various biochemical laboratory tests for diagnosis and prognosis of disease. Biochemical approaches are often fundamental in illuminating the cause of disease and designing appropriate therapies. The aim of the department is to provide a quality medical education in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, so that our students can apply their knowledge in their clinical practice and understand the new scientific approaches in this field.

Departmental Objective

At the end of the course in Biochemistry the students should be able to:

  • demonstrate basic knowledge on major biomolecules, enzymes, hormones and nutrients and of fundamental chemical principles involved in body mechanism upon which life process depends
  • demonstrate skills in performing and interpreting Bio-chemistry laboratory tests and procedures with emphasis on those used in Bangladesh
  • demonstrate skills in using the modern biochemical appliances
  • equip themselves with requisite knowledge for higher studies and research
  • develop sound attitude towards the need for continuing self-education


List of Competencies to acquire in Biochemistry:

 After completing the course of biochemistry in BDS course the students will be able to-

  • apply the knowledge and understanding of biochemistry in medicine and surgery.
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the biomolecules forming the structure of the human body, their functions and their role in health and diseases.
  • explain the role of enzymes in the diagnosis of diseases.
  • explain metabolic reactions in the body.
  • explain the role of liver in metabolism
  • explain the mechanism of maintenance of homeostasis by regulating both the composition and volume of ECF compartment by the kidney
  • describe the water and electrolyte content of human body and their functions
  • describe the types, causes and consequences of dehydration and over hydration.
  •  explain the causes and the consequences of electrolyte imbalance.
  • describe the sources of acids and bases in our body and the mechanism of their normal balance.
  • Explain the causes and consequences of acidosis and alkalosis and the parameters to diagnose them.
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding about nutrients, balanced diet.
  •  explain the basis of genetics and molecular biology.
  • diagnose diabetes mellitus, impairment of renal, liver and thyroid functions
  • Attain the skill to perform and interpret the common biochemical tests in the diagnosis of diseases
  • Attain the skill to perform common bedside biochemical tests.

Faculty Members

Prof. Dr. Salina Akhtar

MBBS, MPhil (Physiology)   
Professor (CC) and Head of the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry

Dr. Taslima Rafique

MBBS, MPhil (Medical Biochemistry)
Associate Professor of biochemistry

Dr. Taslima Rafique

MBBS, MPhil (Medical Biochemistry)
Associate Professor of Biochemistry

Dr. Mowshomi Mannan Liza

Lecturer of Biochemistry

Dr. Asma Ahamed

Lecturer of Biochemistry

Dr. Asma Ahamed

Lecturer of Biochemistry

Dr. Jiten Chandra Mondal

Lecturer of Physiology

Dr. Faria Sara Hamid

Lecturer of Physiology

Dr. Faria Sara Hamid

Lecturer of Physiology