Pediatric Dentistry Department of Sapporo Dental College and Hospital
The Pediatric Dentistry Department deals with academic and clinical training activities of students of final year as well as the graduate dental surgeons or interns.
Students and interns teach and train under direct supervision of the faculties
The Pediatric OPD (POPD) treats patients from 1-12 years with various dental problems.
Occasionally older children are also treated.
What Students and Interns learn at Paediatric OPD of Sapporo Dental College?
Diagnosis, treatment planning,
Inter-departmental referral
Counseling of parents and Child patients
Behavior management of un co-operative patients
Oral Hygiene Instructions and diet counseling
Operative dentistry, particularly restoration with Glass Ionomer, LC composites and Silver amalgam .
Paediatric endodontics/pulp therapies for primary and permanent teeth which include : Pulpotomy, pulpectomy, pulp capping, apexogenesis, apexification and root canal treatment (RCT).
Extraction of primary teeth and minor oral surgeries including drainage of abscess, operculectmy, frenal surgeries, etc.
Management of accidental trauma to primary and young permanent teeth
Faculty Members
Prof. Dr. Md. Asif Iqbal Khan,
BDS, MPH, Dip.Sc (NZ) Professor & Head Department of Pediatric Dentistry Sapporo Dental College & Hospital
Dr. ShahnazParvin, BDS, DDS
Associate Professor Department of Paediatric Dentistry Sapporo Dental College & Hospital
Dr. ShahnazParvin, BDS, DDS
Associate Professor Department of Paediatric Dentistry Sapporo Dental College & Hospital
Dr. Galib Mahmud, BDS
Lecturer Department of Paediatric Dentistry Sapporo Dental College & Hospital
Dr. Md. JubaerAman, BDS
Department of Paediatric Dentistry Sapporo Dental College & Hospital
Dr. Md. JubaerAman, BDS
Department of Paediatric Dentistry Sapporo Dental College & Hospital
Dr. NowshinAnberHasan, BDS
Department of Paediatric Dentistry Sapporo Dental College & Hospital
Pediatric Dentistry in BDS Curriculum
The discipline of Pediatric Dentistry which was previously known as Children, Preventive and Community Dentistry, was introduced in undergraduate Dental curriculum in 2007.
The subject was renamed as Pedodontics in 2017 in the revised 5-years BDS curriculum.
It is now taught in 4th phase undergraduate BDS curriculum.
The duration is 1.5 years
Guidelines for teaching and treatment
Curriculum drawn up by Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) and Centre for Medical Education ((CME) approved by Dhaka University (DU).
Consent from a parent or legal guardian is obtained before treating a child pt.