Department of Dental Public Health

Departmental Objectives (Dental Public Health):


At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

    • Demonstrate a complete understanding about the concepts of Public health and primary health care and their delivery system in the community.
    • Describe different preventive measures to address the prevailing oral and dental problems in the community in each and every level.
    • Describe the concept and methods of epidemiology to design simple research in dental background
    • Apply concept of behavioral science to organize oral health education program to motivate children, parents, special care group & help them to have a healthy oral cavity
    • Describe the concept of dental jurisprudence and address the legal issues in dentistry



List of Competencies to acquire (Dental Public Health):


    • Plan & conduct field survey properly
    • Provide instruction about—Brushing, Flossing, Inter-dental cleansing aid, Mouthwash
    • Produce & promote oral health promotional materials such as poster, festoon, leaflet, hand bill, banner etc.
    • Interact with the community people about oral health status.
    • Rehabilitate the peoples with a healthy permanent dentition by delivering appropriate knowledge of prevention.
    • Act as a social worker regarding establishing a good oral health status among the community people.
    • Instruction about proper oral hygiene practice.
    • Act as an oral health educator.
    • Interpret research findings from published journals and articles.
    • Students competent to work in primary health care settings
    • Practice professional life ethically and according to the legal framework of the country.
    • Demonstrates the knowledge understanding of social and psychological pattern of

diseases causation and its management accordingly.

Faculty Members

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Tawfique Hossain Chowdhury

BDS (Dhaka Dental College),
M.Sc. in Dental Public Health (University of London),
DDPHRCS (The Royal College of Surgeons of England)

Professor (CC) & Head,
Department of Dental Public Health

Awards and achievements:

    • British Commonwealth scholarship : 2006.
    • Distinction award from University of London:2007.
    • Radboud University Scholarship, Netherlands-2011.
    • USAID Research Fellowship-2014.
    • WHO Research Scholarship-2017.

Dr. Sujan Kanti Nath

BDS (Dhaka Dental College)


Assistant Professor

Dr. Sujan Kanti Nath

BDS (Dhaka Dental College)


Assistant Professor

Dr. Ashek Elahi Noor

BDS (Dhaka)

Assistant Professor

Dr. Clopa Pina Podder
BDS (Dhaka)

Awards and Achievements:

Inter-district Athletic Champion

Dr. Clopa Pina Podder
BDS (Dhaka)

Awards and Achievements:

Inter-district Athletic Champion

List of Publications:

1. Chowdhury,M.T.H ,Croucher, R. Association between the Tobacco Cessation Training and Oral Cancer Knowledge level with Tobacco use related behavior among the 4th year Dental Undergraduates- A cross sectional study in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Journal of Medicine, 2008,Vol: 9(1), 31-36.


  1. Chowdhury,M.T.H , Pau,A.,Croucher,R. Bangladeshi Dental students’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviour regarding tobacco control and oral cancer, International Journal of Cancer Education, 2010,DOI 10.1007/s13187-010-0059-0


  1. Hannan,M.A, Chowdhury, M.T.H, Khan, M.A.I, Chowdhury, A.F.M.A, Habiba, U., Shahidullah, K.M, Anjum, A. Caries Prevalence among Bangladeshi slum population: A cross-sectional study, Journal of Contemporary Dental Sciences, 2013, Vol 1(1), 11-14.


  1. Biswas, S.L.; Amin, N.; Chowdhury, M.T.H.; Survival and Recurrence in oral squamous cell carcinoma: Experience in Sapporo Dental College and Hospital, 2013, Vol 4(1), 5-8.


  1. Chowdhury, M.T.H., Nath, S.K., Mahbuba, S., Podder, C.P., Level of Patient satisfaction among those attending the Out Patient Department of a Dental College in Dhaka-A survey, Journal of Contemporary Dental Sciences, 2014, Vol 2(1), 25-28.


  1. Hannan, M.A., Chowdhury, M.T.H., Khan, M.A.I., Chowdhury, A.F.M.A., Shahidullah, K.M., Saha, A.K., Anjum, A., Prevalence of Gingivitis, Plaque accumulation and Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth among slum population in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin, 2014; Vol-40(2), 47-51.


  1. Nath, S.K., Ahmed, Q.T., Chowdhury, M.T.H., Quality of life among geriatric people in old homes of Bangladesh, Journal of Contemporary Dental Sciences, 2015, Vol 3(2),04-07.


  1. Chowdhury, M.T.H., Nath, S.K., Noor, A.E., Alam, A., Poddar, C.P., Zaman, A.U., Pattern of Dental diseases diagnosed and managed at Sapporo Dental College and Hospital- A five year retrospective audit, Journal of Contemporary Dental Sciences, 2015, Vol 3(2),13-18.


  1. Noor, A.E., Amin, N., Chowdhury, T.H., Shanta, T.M., An unusual presentation of Facial paralysis: A case report , International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences, 2016; 2(1): 03-05.


  1. Biswas, S.L., Chowdhury, M.T.H., Ahmed, M., Outcome of Immediate Reconstruction with Stainless Steel Plate following Mandibular Resection in case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Journal of Contemporary Dental Sciences, 2017; 5(2) (Accepted for publication)


  1. Chowdhury, MTH, Nath, SK, Noor, AE, Podder, CP, Mahbuba S, Evaluation of perceptions and experiences of students and tutors in regards to Goal-Oriented Learning as a model of curriculum delivery in teaching Public Health among dental undergraduate students, Journal of Contemporary Dental Sciences, 2018, Vol 6(2),1-9.


  1. Chowdhury, MTH, Nath, SK, Noor, AE, Podder, CP, Mahbuba, S, Raihan, MM, Evaluation of Goal-Oriented Learning as a model of curriculum delivery in teaching Public Health among dental undergraduate students, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education, 2019; 10(1): 25-29.


  1. Chowdhury, MTH, Apu, EH, Nath, SK, Noor, AE, Podder, CP, Mahmud I, Kabir R, Exploring the knowledge, awareness and practices of COVID-19 among dentists in Bangladesh: A Cross-sectional Investigation, Pre-print, DOI: 10.21203/, online published date: 13th August, 2020 at


  1. Kabir, R.; Mahmud, I.; Tawfique Hossain Chowdhury, M.; Vinnakota, D.; Saif Jahan, S.; Siddika, N.; Isha, S.N.; Nath, S.K.; Hoque Apu, E. COVID-19 Vaccination Intent and Willingness to Pay In Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Study. Vaccines 2021, 9, 416.


  1. Kabir, R; Isha, S.N.; Chowdhury, M.T.H.; Siddika, N.; Jahan, S.S.; Saha, A.K.; Nath, S.K.; Jahan, M.S.; Sivasubramanian, M.; Mahmud, I.; Apu, E.H.; Depression among the Non-Native International Undergraduate Students Studying Dentistry in Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18, 5802.


  1. Md. Mahfuz Hossain, Kamrul Hasan, Md. Saiful Islam, Sujan Kanti Nath. “Psychological states of Bangladeshi people and associated factors during the outbreak of COVID-19: A cross-sectional survey”, Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health 1 (2021) 100012,


  1. Farzana Hossain, Kazi Jahangir Hossain, Sujan Kanti Nath. “OPINION ON HEALTH SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE AMONG HEALTH CARE RECIPIENTS”, JOPSOM 2016; 35 (2): 36-43, ISSN 1012-8697,


  1. AE Noor, J Begum, AI Khan, N Amin, TG Chowdhury, TM Shanta.“Pattern of Smokeless Tobacco use among the women in Old Dhaka”, Pyrex Journal of Dental and Oral hygiene,2016;2(1):1-6
  2. Akter S, Noor EA, Hossain SM, Farzan AS, AnsaryAJ, ZerinI. “Educational intervention on knowledge on first aid among Dhamrai girls high school students”, Official journal of Pioneer Dental College, 2013;9(1):19-24, ISSN 2227-843
  3. Ashek Elahi Noor.“Pattern of Oro-Dental Problems and Knowledge Regarding Dental Care Practices among the Patients Attending Outpatient Department (OPD) of a Selected Dental College Hospital in Dhaka City”, EC Dental Science 18.7 (2019): 1604-1619
  4. AE Noor, N Amin, TM Shanta.“Close reduction of the unilateral angle fracture of the mandible: A case report”, EC Dental Science 18.5 (2019); 1021-1026
  5. AE Noor, N Amin,TMShanta.“Combined endodontic surgery associate with intra canal medicament (calcium hydroxide) is necessary for chronic periapical lesions”, International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences,2015;1(4):133-135,ISSN:2394-7497
  6. AE Noor, N Amin, TG Chowdhury, MM Hossain, S Jahan, A Sultana. “Unilateralsubcondylar fracture treated by close reduction”, Update Dental College Journal, 2014;4(2):20-22, ISSN: 2226-8715 (print), 2307-3160 (online)
  7. AE Noor, N Amin, Z Hossain, MT Islam, F Reza.“An Unusual presentation of pyogenic granuloma with mandible involvement”, Journal of Contemporary Dental Sciences, 2014;2(2):31-34,ISSN 23059664
  8. SL Biswas, n Amin, Z Hossain, AE Noor.“A case on reconstruction with Buccal Fat Pad”, Journal of Contemporary Dental Science’s”.2014;2(1):43-45,ISSN 2305-966